Growing in Groups

Spiritual growth happens when we are connected with our community of faith.  And that connection comes best when we are involved in groups of some kind. We desire people to go deeper than just the friendly Sunday morning times to grow together!

Women's Ministries

  • Women's connect

    Women's Connect meetings are quarterly and bring together women of Parkside for a time to connect, share, and be with others.  We often enjoy food, prepare a craft, and talk about Christian life topics together. As we each journey through our own lives, we welcome you to come be part of a great group of Christian women and Connect!

    Women Connect - Quarterly Events

    Date: 2025

    Additional information and sign-up is available by contacting
    Cathy Chrisman at 315-778-9678.

Men's Ministries

  • Men's Retreat 2022

    Men's Disipleship

    Date: Tuesday

    Time: 6:30pm


    Summary: Men's discipleship takes place Tuesday evenings. We commit to be there whenever the discipleship group meets as each session builds on the last, consistency is important.  It includes a teaching session, a group discussion, and a time of accountability with another member of the group.

    Questions: Text Nicholas Alatza (317-519-7888) or Berny Coffee (315-783-6222)

  • Men's Breakfast

    Date: First Saturday of every other month. 

    Time: 8:30 am - 10:00 am

    Focus: Men's Breakfast

    Summary: Join us for a men's breakfast. Our Men's Breakfasts typically consist of breakfast, a short devotional, and then some activity together.  Past events have included drone racing, axe throwing, corn hole tournament, trap shoot, and more! This is a great opportunity to join other Christian men in a casual setting for food and fellowship.  Reach out to for more information.

Life Groups

Contact the church office at (315) 782-6534 or for more details and how to get connected in these groups.

  • Family Fellowship group

    • Day: Friday
    • Time: 5:00-7:30 PM
    • Location: Fellowship Hall downstairs
    • Childcare provided: Yes

    This group meets at Parkside weekly.  It's open to any who wish to join. This group shares a meal together as part of the fellowship. 
    Contact Kate Forbes at the office with questions - l

  • DAytimers

    • Day: Wednesdays
    • Time: 11:00 AM
    • Location: Parkside - Fellowship Hall downstairs
    • Childcare Provided: No

    This group ministers to those adults who are free during this time of the day -- it is mostly retired people, but there are several non-retirees that attend. They are always open to new people.  The first hour is a Bible study or devotional led by one of the Pastors, followed by lunch.  No materials required. Contact person is Helen Charlebois or email for more information.

  • Mayforth Connection Class

    • Date: Sundays
    • Time: 11:00 am
    • Location: Parkside Bible Church Conference Room
    • Childcare Provided: Yes
    This group is an adult connection class. Contact people are Bart and Cheryl or email