Missions Conference Week

Our Annual missions engagement week- also known as International Worker's Conference is when we welcome an Alliance International Worker to join with our various groups to share some of the vision of what God is doing through the work of Alliance Missions.  The 2024 Conference will be held September 13-15, 2024.

Local, Regional, & International Missions

Jesus' command to Parkside Bible Church, and to all believers everywhere, is found in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19 - 20: "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit., and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." So we do.

  • Carenet NNY

    We are happy to partner with Care Net NNY to provide pregnancy services, and especially hope to women in Watertown & Lowville

  • Tri-county good news clubs

    We sponsor 3 Good News Clubs in the Watertown area.  Good News Clubs are after-school clubs in local schools that focus on bringing the Gospel to children.  There are clubs in many schools and we are happy to partner with this fantastic Ministry!

  • Chapin living waters

    Chapin Living Waters Foundation has developed an efficient drip irrigation system for use primarily in developing countries with little access to usable water sources.  They are based in Watertown and we have partnered with them to prepare these irrigation kits for them to ship.

  • Children's fellowship of india

    A home for orphaned boys in India. We have sent teams to help at the orphanage and bring clothes and other items for the boys. We have sent teams to go and minister to the boys and staff.

  • C&MA Global Ministries

    We give to the Great Commission Fund, which in turn is used to help support over 700 International Workers around the globe- in over 70 different countries. The Christian & Missionary Alliance is intent on bringing the Gospel to unreached people groups around the globe and we are passionate to see that mission to its end!

  • Delta Lake

    We are only about an hour away from Delta Lake, our district camp. We send students to retreats, summer camps and even use their facilities for retreats for our men's ministry. They host events for many ministries, including Haven camps- for special needs- each summer.  We're happy to partner as the reach out to lesser reached people in our own region.  

  • CAMA Services

    Compassion and Mercy Associates is the relief arm of Alliance missions. They are involved in helping with disaster & famine relief- being the tangible hands and feet of Jesus to people in need.

  • Envision trips

    Envision sends short term mission trips both in the US and around the world.  We have often partnered with Envision to send teams to partner with local ministries.  

  • Barner CHristian Academy

    The Barner Christian Academy located in Davao City Philippines offers quality Christian education to children who otherwise might not be able to afford it. The longterm goal is for a struggling little church to receive a teacher trained here at BLC (Barner Christian Academy), and is accredited by the government. These teachers will be sent to the rural mountainous areas to begin schools alongside of the churches.

  • Club Beyond

    Club beyond is a ministry that aims to reach military teens.  They are an arm of Young Life ministry and hold clubs locally at Fort Drum.  Our desire to reach the next generation with the Gospel message has led us to partner with this ministry that reach students we cannot at Fort Drum.

International Worker Partners

  • Camara family- Luke & SHana

    Luke and Shana are serving in Portugal.

  • Hopkins Family- Walter & Laura

    More info to come

  • Eikost Family - Mark and Kathy Eikost

    More info to come